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90 Day Fiance

'90 Day Diaries' cast to include '90 Day Fiance' alums Tania Maduro, Syngin Colchester, Fernanda Flores, Stephanie Matto, Corey Rathgeber, Mohamed Jbali and more!

90 Day Diaries will feature more than a dozen former 90 Day Fiance couples or stars -- including Tania Maduro, Syngin Colchester, Fernanda Flores and Stephanie Matto -- when the new 90 Day Fiance spinoff debuts on Discovery's new discovery+ streaming service in January.
TAGS: 90 Day Fiance  Alexei Brovarnik  Ed Brown  Anna Campisi  Andrei Castravet  Syngin Colchester  Kalani Faagata  Fernanda Flores  Tiffany Franco  Loren Goldstone  Molly Hopkins  Mohamed Jbali  Tania Maduro  Stephanie Matto  Mursel Mistanoglu  Tarik Myers  Erika Owens  Elizabeth Potthast  Asuelu Pulaa  Corey Rathgeber  Ronald Smith  Annie Suwan  David Toborowsky  Evelin Villegas  Shaun Robinson  Matt Ryan 

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