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90 Day Fiance

'90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?' Tell-All: Colt's exes Jess and Larissa lash out, Kalani and Asuelu's marriage is on the rocks, and Andrei faces Elizabeth's family

90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? -- The Couples Tell All featured Kalani Faagata and Asuelu Pulaa's marriage hanging by a thread, Colt Johnson admitting he slept with Vanessa Guerra multiple times and exchanging blows with Jessica Caroline and Larissa Dos Santos Lima, Andrei Castravet facing Elizabeth Potthast's family, and more drama and updates on the Season 5 couples' relationships during Part 1 of the Tell-All event on TLC.
TAGS: 90 Day Fiance  Andrei Castravet  Syngin Colchester  Angela Deem  Larissa Dos Santos Lima  Kalani Faagata  Michael Ilesanmi  Colt Johnson  Tania Maduro  Karine Martins  Elizabeth Potthast  Asuelu Pulaa  Paul Staehle  Dolly Parton  Michael Jackson  Shaun Robinson 

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