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90 Day Fiance

'90 Day Fiance' recap: Angela gives Michael ultimatum, Usman and Kim consider adoption, and Jenny gets bad immigration news

90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?'s seventh season featured Angela Deem choosing her friend Billy over her marriage to Michael Ilesanmi, Usman "SojaBoy" Umar suggesting adoption to Kim Menzies, Jenny Slatten receiving bad news about moving Sumit Singh to America, and Andrei Castravet and Elizabeth Potthast preparing for Andrei's possible deportation during the Season 7 episode that aired Sunday night on TLC.
TAGS: 90 Day Fiance  Ed Brown  Andrei Castravet  Angela Deem  Jovi Dufren  Lisa Hamme  Michael Ilesanmi  Elizabeth Potthast  Jenny Slatten  Usman 'SojaBoy' Umar  Yara Zaya  Angel  Angel 

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