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90 Day Fiance

'90 Day Fiance' recap: Ariela and Biniyam wed, Mohamed and Yve get married, Emily and Kobe fight, and Patrick confronts Thais' dad

90 Day Fiance featured Ariela Weinberg and Biniyam Shibre getting married, Mohamed Abdelhamd and Yvette "Yve" Arellano tying the knot Yve's way, Emily Bieberly fighting with Kobe Blaise the night before their wedding, Thais Ramone's father Carlos refusing to give Patrick Mendes his blessing to marry Thais, and Shaeeda worrying about Bilal Hazzies' "alpha-male" personality during the Season 9 episode that aired Sunday night on TLC.
TAGS: 90 Day Fiance 

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