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90 Day Fiance

'90 Day Fiance' recap: Kalani kicks Asuelu out, Angela's mom passes away, Elizabeth's brother flips out at wedding, Colt confronts Debbie, and Larissa debuts new face and body

90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? featured Kalani Faagata kicking Asuelu Pulaa out of their home and needing a break from their marriage, Elizabeth Potthast's brother Charlie nearly ruining her wedding, Colt Johnson confronting his mother Debbie about wanting to be treated like a man, Angela Deem's mother passing away, Syngin Colchester choosing to work things out with Tania Maduro in America, and Larissa Dos Santos Lima debuting her physical transformation during Sunday night's Season 5 finale on TLC.
TAGS: 90 Day Fiance  Andrei Castravet  Syngin Colchester  Angela Deem  Larissa Dos Santos Lima  Kalani Faagata  Michael Ilesanmi  Colt Johnson  Tania Maduro  Karine Martins  Elizabeth Potthast  Asuelu Pulaa  Paul Staehle 

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