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90 Day Fiance

'90 Day Fiance' recap: Yara learns she's pregnant, Stephanie reunites with Ryan, Julia pushes Brandon to move, and Natalie and Mike set a wedding date

90 Day Fiance featured Yara Zaya learning she's pregnant with Jovi Dufren's baby, Stephanie Davison reuniting with Ryan Carr in Belize, Brandon Gibbs deciding to move out of his parents' house to please Julia Trubkina, Natalie Mordovtseva and Mike Youngquist agreeing to set a wedding date, and Amira Lollysa questioning her future with Andrew Kenton during Sunday night's Season 8 broadcast on TLC.
TAGS: 90 Day Fiance  Hazel Cagalitan  Stephanie Davison  Jovi Dufren  Zied Hakimi  Natalie Mordovtseva  Tarik Myers  Rebecca Parrott  Mike Youngquist  Yara Zaya  Paradise  Speechless  Paradise 

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