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The Amazing Race

'Amazing Race' cuts Garrett Paul, Jessica Stout, Eric and Lisa Paskel

"Married Yoga Teachers" Eric and Lisa Paskel and "Dating On-and-Off Couple" Garrett Paul and Jessica Stout were the first two teams eliminated from The Amazing Race's fifteenth season during last night's premiere broadcast of the CBS reality series.
TAGS: The Amazing Race  Mika Combs  Ericka Dunlap  Zev Glassenberg  Justin Kanew  Phil Keoghan  Brian Kleinschmidt  Lance Layne  Marcy Maloy  Samuel McMillen  Tiffany Michelle  Keri Morrione  Lisa Paskel  Garrett Paul  Meghan Rickey  Ronald Shalita  Canaan Smith  Jessica Stout  Matt Tomljenovich  Cheyne Whitney  Friends  The Big Easy  The Big Easy 

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