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American Idol

'American Idol' reveals Jermaine Jones as additional 25th semifinalist

American Idol revealed Jermaine Jones as the 25th member of the eleventh season's "Top 24" semifinalists during Tuesday night's semifinals performance show.
TAGS: American Idol  Deandre Brackensick  Adam Brock  Baylie Brown  Hollie Cavanagh  Hallie Day  Colton Dixon  Creighton Fraker  Eban Franckewitz  Reed Grimm  Heejun Han  Jen Hirsh  Randy Jackson  Haley Johnsen  Jermaine Jones  Johnny Keyser  Skylar Laine  Joshua Ledet  Chase Likens  Jennifer Lopez  Shannon Magrane  Aaron Marcellus  Phillip Phillips  Jeremy Rosado  Jessica Sanchez  Ryan Seacrest  Chelsea Sorrell  Elise Testone  Steven Tyler  Erika Van Pelt  Brielle Von Hugel 

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