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American Idol

'American Idol's Top 8 female semifinalists take to the stage

American Idol's seventh-season semifinal round went out with a bang last night as the Top 8 female semifinalists put forth their best efforts to reach the finals while the judges provided some added entertainment for home viewers.
TAGS: American Idol  Paula Abdul  Kristy Lee Cook  Simon Cowell  Asia'h Epperson  Randy Jackson  Blake Lewis  Kady Malloy  Ramiele Malubay  Syesha Mercado  Danny Noriega  Amanda Overmyer  Ryan Seacrest  Carly Smithson  Alaina Whitaker  Brooke White  Joan Jett  Cyndi Lauper  Chaka Khan  Whitney Houston  Phil Collins  Steve Perry  Celine Dion  Pat Benatar  Lost 

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