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Bachelor in Paradise

'Bachelor in Paradise' couple Vinny Ventiera and Izzy Goodkind split, Ashley Iaconetti and Caila Quinn fight over Jared Haibon

Bachelor in Paradise featured Vinny Ventiera and Izzy Goodkind breaking up as well as more drama from the Ashley Iaconetti, Caila Quinn and Jared Haibon love triangle during Tuesday night's ABC broadcast.
TAGS: Bachelor in Paradise  Evan Bass  Kirk DeWindt  Izzy Goodkind, Jared Haibon  Ben Higgins  Ashley Iaconetti  Grant Kemp  Brett Melnick  Lace Morris  Josh Murray  Caila Quinn  Jade Roper  Amanda Stanton  Tanner Tolbert  Vinny Ventiera, Nick Viall  Carly Waddell  W. 

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