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Bachelor in Paradise

'Bachelor in Paradise' finale features Clay Harbor and Nicole Lopez-Alvar break-up, three engagements, and shocking reunion highlights!

Bachelor in Paradise's Season 6 finale featured a shocking breakup on the beach, three romantic and emotional engagements, updates on the happy -- or not so happy -- couples from Paradise, the announcement of the next The Bachelor star, and so much more!
TAGS: Bachelor in Paradise  The Bachelor  The Bachelorette  Tayshia Adams  Angela Amezcua  Cam Ayala, Dylan Barbour  Hannah Brown  Chris Bukowski  Demi Burnett  Onyeka Ehie  Haley Ferguson  Whitney Fransway  Hannah Godwin  Clay Harbor  Chris Harrison  Tahzjuan Hawkins  Blake Horstmann  Mike Johnson  John Paul Jones  Jordan Kimball  Nicole Lopez-Alvar  Sydney Lotuaco  Caelynn Miller-Keyes  Katie Morton  Derek Peth  Annaliese Puccini  Connor Saeli  Kristina Schulman  Colton Underwood  Dean Unglert  Peter Weber  Head over Heels  Forever  Head over Heels 

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