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Bachelor in Paradise

'Bachelor in Paradise' recap: Aaron and Genevieve have blowout fight, Shanae makes "cougar" connection, unpopular newcomer arrives, Kate and Logan are tested!

Bachelor in Paradise featured Aaron Clancy and Genevieve Parisi having a blowout fight, Shanae Ankney making her strongest connection yet as "a cougar," Hayden Markowitz crashing the party, and Kate Gallivan and Logan Palmer being put to the test during the Season 8 episode that aired Tuesday night on ABC.
TAGS: Bachelor in Paradise  The Bachelor  The Bachelorette  Michael Allio  Shanae Ankney  Aaron Clancy  Johnny DePhillipo  Kate Gallivan  Justin Glaze  Eliza Isichei  Hayden Markowitz  Rodney Mathews  Logan Palmer  Genevieve Parisi  Rachel Recchia  Andrew Spencer  Gabby Windey 

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