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Bachelor in Paradise

'Bachelor in Paradise' recap: Astrid Loch and Joe Amabile get dumped by Kevin Wendt and Kendall Long in shocking finale breakups! (SPOILERS)

Bachelor in Paradise featured the departures of several bachelors or bachelorettes and saw Kevin Wendt break up with Astrid Loch and Kendall Long dump Joe Amabile during Monday night's penultimate episode of Season 5 on ABC.
TAGS: Bachelor in Paradise  The Bachelor  The Bachelorette  Joe Amabile  Jenna Cooper  Cassandra Ferguson  JoJo Fletcher, Olivia Goethals  John Graham  Chris Harrison  Robby Hayes, Ashley Iaconetti  Jordan Kimball  Astrid Loch  Kendall Long  Shushanna Mkrtychyan  Kenneth 'Diggy' Moreland  Kamil Nicalek  Annaliese Puccini  David Ravitz  Amanda Stanton  Kevin Wendt  Missing  Missing 

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