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Bachelor in Paradise

'Bachelor in Paradise' recap: Bachelorettes and bachelors begin pairing off before production halts

Bachelor in Paradise's fourth season debuted with the first several of days of footage leading up to the temporary shutdown of production due to the Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson scandal during Monday night's episode on ABC.
TAGS: Bachelor in Paradise  The Bachelor  The Bachelorette  Wells Adams  Nick Benvenutti  JoJo Fletcher, Raven Gates  Jasmine Goode  Chris Harrison  Robby Hayes, DeMario Jackson  Rachel Lindsay  Danielle Maltby  Lacey Mark  Kenneth 'Diggy' Moreland  Matt Munson, Josh Murray  Taylor Nolan  Corinne Olympios  Derek Peth  Ignacio 'Iggy' Rodriguez  Kristina Schulman  Amanda Stanton  Jack Stone  Dean Unglert  Vinny Ventiera, Nick Viall  Alexis Waters  Alex Woytkiw  Ben Zorn 

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