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Bachelor in Paradise

'Bachelor in Paradise' recap: Eliza dumps Rodney and chases Justin, Kate criticizes Logan, and Aaron and Genevieve profess their love

Bachelor in Paradise featured Eliza Isichei breaking Rodney Mathews' heart and trying to win back Justin Glaze, Kate Gallivan slamming Logan Palmer behind his back for allegedly being broke and unestablished, Aaron Clancy and Genevieve Parisi professing their love to each other, and five men leaving Paradise during the Season 8 episode that aired Monday night on ABC. 
TAGS: Bachelor in Paradise  The Bachelor  Wells Adams  Michael Allio  Shanae Ankney  Alex Bordyukov  Aaron Clancy  Jessenia Cruz  Johnny DePhillipo  Victoria Fuller  Kate Gallivan  Brittany Galvin  Justin Glaze  Eliza Isichei  Brandon Jones  Danielle Maltby  Hayden Markowitz  Rodney Mathews  Tyler Norris  Logan Palmer  Genevieve Parisi  Serene Russell  Andrew Spencer 

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