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Bachelor in Paradise

'Bachelor in Paradise' recap: Justin rejects Eliza's reconciliation, Andrew dumps Jessenia, Logan stands up for himself with Kate

Bachelor in Paradise featured Justin Glaze rejecting Eliza Isichei when she asked for a second chance, Andrew Spencer dumping Jessenia Cruz for newcomer Ency Abedin, Logan Palmer accusing Kate Gallivan of being critical and condescending, and new arrivals shaking things up during the Season 8 episode that aired Monday night on ABC.
TAGS: Bachelor in Paradise  The Bachelor  The Bachelorette  Ency Abedin  Michael Allio  Shanae Ankney  Jessenia Cruz  Johnny DePhillipo  Clayton Echard  Victoria Fuller  Kate Gallivan  Brittany Galvin  Justin Glaze  Eliza Isichei  Brandon Jones  Hayden Markowitz  Rodney Mathews  Tyler Norris  Logan Palmer  Genevieve Parisi  Rachel Recchia  Serene Russell  Andrew Spencer  Gabby Windey  Lyndsey Windham 

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