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Bachelor in Paradise

'Bachelor in Paradise' recap: Shanae calls Logan "gutter trash" after he dumps her, Jacob devastates Jill, and Johnny nearly gives up on Victoria

Bachelor in Paradise featured the end of "The Split" twist with Shanae Ankney lashing out at Logan Palmer and Kate Gallivan, Jacob Rapini dumping Jill Chin, and Victoria Fuller torn between Johnny DePhillipo and Alex Bordyukov during the Season 8 episode that aired Tuesday night on ABC.
TAGS: Bachelor in Paradise  The Bachelor  Michael Allio  Shanae Ankney  James Bonsall  Alex Bordyukov  Jill Chin  Aaron Clancy  Jessenia Cruz  Johnny DePhillipo  Clayton Echard  Victoria Fuller  Kate Gallivan  Brittany Galvin  Sarah Hamrick  Brandon Jones  Danielle Maltby  Tyler Norris  Logan Palmer  Genevieve Parisi  Serene Russell  Andrew Spencer  The Split 

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