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Bachelor in Paradise

'Bachelor in Paradise' recap: Thomas Jacobs takes Serena Pitt on a date and sparks drama, Riley Christian steals Maurissa Gunn away from Connor Brennan

Bachelor in Paradise featured The Bachelorette villain Thomas Jacobs and smooth-talking bachelor Riley Christian arriving on the beach and trying to steal two girls, Serena Pitt and Maurissa Gunn, away from their doting partners during Tuesday night's Season 7 broadcast on ABC.
TAGS: Bachelor in Paradise  The Bachelor  The Bachelorette  Wells Adams  James Bonsall  Kenny Braasch  Connor Brennan  Demi Burnett  Riley Christian  Aaron Clancy  Tre Cooper  Jessenia Cruz  Leo Dottavio  Noah Erb  Ivan Hall  Tahzjuan Hawkins  Thomas Jacobs  Kendall Long  Brendan Morais  Natasha Parker  Victoria Paul  Serena Pitt  Katie Thurston  Lance Bass  David Spade  Trash  Trash 

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