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Bachelor in Paradise

'Bachelor in Paradise' recap: Tia Booth and Colton Underwood reunite, and Bibiana Julian, Caroline Lunny, Jacqueline Trumbull, and Nysha Norris go home

Bachelor in Paradise's men had the power and handed out the roses during Monday night's episode on ABC, resulting in Bibiana Julian, Caroline Lunny, Jacqueline Trumbull, and Nysha Norris.
TAGS: Bachelor in Paradise  The Bachelor  The Bachelorette  Wells Adams  Joe Amabile  Angela Amezcua  Eric Bigger  Tia Booth  Jenna Cooper  Bibiana Julian  Jordan Kimball  Becca Kufrin, Kenny Layne  Astrid Loch  Kendall Long  Caroline Lunny  Arie Luyendyk Jr.  Krystal Nielson  Nysha Norris, Annaliese Puccini  Chris Randone  David Ravitz  Chelsea Roy  Jubilee Sharpe  Jacqueline Trumbull  Colton Underwood  Kevin Wendt 

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