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Bachelor in Paradise

'Bachelor in Paradise' recap: Victoria Paul quits after being accused of having a boyfriend back home, Brendan Morais' intentions are questioned, and three women are denied roses!

Bachelor in Paradise featured Victoria Paul quitting the show following accusations she's a manipulative liar with a boyfriend back home, Brendan Morais' being questioned about his past romance with Pieper James, Victoria Larson and Tahzjuan Hawkins drama, and the elimination of three women during Monday night's Season 7 episode on ABC.
TAGS: Bachelor in Paradise  The Bachelor  The Bachelorette  Tayshia Adams  Wells Adams  James Bonsall  Kenny Braasch  Connor Brennan  Demi Burnett  Serena Chew  Aaron Clancy  Tre Cooper  Jessenia Cruz  Noah Erb  Ivan Hall  Tahzjuan Hawkins  Abigail Heringer  Matt James  Pieper James  Deandra Kanu  Victoria Larson  Brendan Morais  Natasha Parker  Victoria Paul  Serena Pitt  Karl Smith  Colton Underwood  Peter Weber  Kelsey Weier  David Spade 

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