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Bachelor in Paradise

'Bachelor in Paradise' spoilers: Did Jill Chin and Jacob Rapini split or get back together? Is the 'Paradise' couple still together now or engaged? (SPOILERS)

Bachelor in Paradise couple Jill Chin and Jacob Rapini appeared to be a strong couple in Paradise until Kate Gallivan came along, so did Kate break Jacob and Jill up -- or did Jacob and Jill reunite after the surprise season twist and end up together?
TAGS: Bachelor in Paradise  The Bachelor  Ency Abedin  Mara Agreat  Romeo Alexander  Shanae Ankney  Jill Chin  Aaron Clancy  Kate Gallivan  Brittany Galvin  Hailey Malles  Rodney Mathews  Kira Mengistu  Lace Morris  Lyndsey Windham  Taken  Paradise  The Split  Paradise  Taken 

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