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Exclusive: Angie Layton talks about 'Survivor: Philippines' (Part 1)

Angie Layton, a 20-year-old student from Provo, UT, was voted out of her Survivor: Philippines' Matsing tribe during Wednesday night's third episode of the CBS reality series' 25th edition.
Angie was voted out of her tribe at the season's third Tribal Council, which was also the third elimination vote for Matsing, after tribemates Malcolm Freberg and Denise Stapley had determined she and Russell Swan were the weakest links in the tribe. Due to the fact Angie and Russell failed to contribute much athleticism and timeliness to the Immunity Challenges, it became an obvious decision for Malcolm and Denise to eliminate Angie first, as Russell at least brought strength to the table.

TAGS: Survivor  Malcolm Freberg  Russell Swan 

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