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The Amazing Race

Exclusive: Chester Pitts II and Ephraim Salaam talk 'The Amazing Race' (Part 2)

The Amazing Race eliminated Chester Pitts II and Ephraim Salaam during Sunday night's third broadcast of the CBS reality competition's 23rd season.
The "Former NFL Teammates" became the third team eliminated from the around-the-world competition after they arrived at the Race's third Pit Stop at Castelo Dos Mouros, a ninth century castle, in Lisbon, Portugal, in last place. The pair encountered nothing but problems when it came to booking flights and delayed connecting flights. 

TAGS: The Amazing Race  Jason Case  Kim DeJesus  Amy Diaz  Nicole 'Nicky' Getz  Rowan Joseph  Marie 'Reebs' Mazzocchi  Shane Partlow  Timothy Sweeney  Leo Temory  Jamal Zadran 

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