Exclusive: Idries Abdur-Rahman and Jamil Abdur-Rahman talk 'The Amazing Race' (Part 2)
Idries Abdur-Rahman and Jamil Abdur-Rahman were eliminated from The Amazing Race during Sunday night's second broadcast of the CBS reality competition's 22nd season.
The "Twin Doctors" became the second team eliminated from the around-the-world competition after they arrived at the Race's second Pit Stop at Motu Tapu, the most photographed island in the South Pacific, in last place. They had struggled with a Detour task in the deep ocean, fell behind from there and just couldn't seem to ever catch up.
The "Twin Doctors" became the second team eliminated from the around-the-world competition after they arrived at the Race's second Pit Stop at Motu Tapu, the most photographed island in the South Pacific, in last place. They had struggled with a Detour task in the deep ocean, fell behind from there and just couldn't seem to ever catch up.