Survivor Exclusive: Kellyn Bechtold talks 'Survivor' -- Laurel Johnson didn't mind being told what to do, but my heart goes out to her! 05/21/2018 Kellyn Bechtold was eliminated from Survivor: Ghost Island during the latest broadcast on CBS. Read More RELATED NEWS Exclusive: Wendell Holland talks 'Survivor' -- I'd never give Domenick Abbate a free pass, anything's possible with himExclusive: Domenick Abbate talks 'Survivor: Ghost Island' -- Saying Wendell Holland was the mastermind is hysterical and ridiculousExclusive: Angela Perkins talks 'Survivor: Ghost Island' and the surprising reason she voted Wendell Holland to win TAGS: Survivor Domenick Abbate Kellyn Bechtold Wendell Holland Donathan Hurley Laurel Johnson Sebastian Noel Angela Perkins