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Jeff Probst dishes about 'Survivor: Micronesia -- Fans vs. Favorites'

Survivor: Micronesia's creative hook was supposed to be its Fans vs. Favorites format -- but with two love affairs, a record number of blind-side vote-offs, multiple hidden Immunity Idols, conned returning castaways, a new biggest all-time Survivor blunder, and some of the most brutal weather ever, the Fans vs. Favorites angle may have to take a backseat to all the other action.
TAGS: Survivor  Yau-Man Chan  James Clement  Cirie Fields  Richard Hatch  Amanda Kimmel  Yul Kwon  Ozzy Lusth, Eliza Orlins  Jonathan Penner  Shane Powers  Jeff Probst  Parvati Shallow  Tom Westman  Courtney Yates  Wanted 

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