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Joel Anderson the fifth castaway voted out of 'Survivor: Micronesia'

Joel Anderson initially decided to feast on the strong instead of eating the meek.  But what goes around comes around -- quickly sometimes -- and the 32-year-old firefighter from Avondale, AZ became the fifth castaway eliminated from Survivor: Micronesia -- Fans vs. Favorites during last night's broadcast of the long-running CBS reality show's sixteenth season.
TAGS: Survivor  Joel Anderson  Natalie Bolton  Michael Bortone  James Clement  Cirie Fields  Tracy Hughes-Wolf  Alexis Jones  Amanda Kimmel  Ozzy Lusth, Eliza Orlins  Jonathan Penner  Jeff Probst  Erik Reichenbach  Mary Sartain  Parvati Shallow  Jason Siska  Kathleen Sleckman 

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