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John Palyok and Mia Galeotalanza get booted from 'Survivor: Vanuatu'

It was a tale of two tribes on last night's third episode of Survivor: Vanuatu. Over at the men's Lopevi tribe, despite a growing personality rift among some of its members, the tribe's dominant "Flab Five" alliance continued to show unity. Meanwhile, over at the women's Yasur tribe, for the second day in a row, a member of one of the women's alliances blinked and betrayed her so-called allies.
TAGS: Survivor  Julie Berry  Chad Crittenden  Ami Cusack  Rory Freeman  Mia Galeotalanza  Lisa Keiffer  John Kenney  Lea Masters  Dolly Neely  Eliza Orlins  John Palyok  Twila Tanner 

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