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Kimberly Mullen becomes the sixth contestant to exit 'Survivor: Palau'

Stripped of her snuggle alliance with de facto Survivor: Palau Ulong tribe leader Jeff Wilson following his injury-caused departure from the game, delicate former beauty queen Kimberly Mullen knew her poor work ethic and weak link status would make her a target at the tribe's next Tribal Council. What she didn't know was how quickly it would come, with Ulong voting Kimberly out of the Survivor tribe after it lost yet another Immunity Challenge, its fourth consecutive immunity loss to the still undefeated Koror tribe.
TAGS: Survivor  Coby Archa  Ashlee Ashby  Bobby Jon Drinkard  Angie Jakusz  Stephenie LaGrossa  James Miller  Kimberly Mullen  Ibrehem Rahman  Tom Westman  Jeff Wilson 

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