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Married at First Sight

'Married at First Sight' recap: Airris lies to Jasmine, Chris has a breakdown, Mackinley stands up to Domynique, and Clint apologizes

Married at First Sight featured Airris Williams lying to Jasmine Secrest when rating their marriage and feeling just a friend vibe, Chris Thielk having a breakdown, Domynique Kloss accusing Mackinley Gilbert of lacking initiative, and Clint Webb apologizing to Gina Micheletti during the Season 16 episode that aired Wednesday night on Lifetime.
TAGS: Shaquille Dillon  Kirsten Grimes  Domynique Kloss  Nicole Lilienthal  Gina Micheletti  Jasmine Secrest  Chris Thielk  Clint Webb  Airris Williams  Blown Away  Wanted 

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