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Married at First Sight

'Married at First Sight' recap: Kirsten demands a house and calls Shaquille "crazy," Jasmine's attraction to Airris is "dying," and Nicole fears Chris breaking her heart!

Married at First Sight featured Kirsten Grimes demanding a house from Shaquille Dillon and accusing him of "acting crazy," Jasmine Secrest admitting her attraction to Airris Williams was "dying," Shaquille and Jasmine bonding, and Nicole Lilienthal worrying about Chris Thielk breaking her heart during the Season 16 episode that aired Wednesday night on Lifetime.
TAGS: Shaquille Dillon  Kirsten Grimes  Domynique Kloss  Nicole Lilienthal  Gina Micheletti  Jasmine Secrest  Chris Thielk  Clint Webb  Airris Williams  W. 

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