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Married at First Sight

'Married at First Sight' Reunion Part 1: Gina and Clint hint at reconciling, Shaq shares shocking reasons he divorced Kirsten, and Jasmine has new boyfriend

Married at First Sight: Nashville Reunion Part 1 featured Gina Micheletti and Clint Webb hinting at possibly getting back together, Shaquille Dillon admitting the real reasons why he divorced Kirsten Grimes, Jasmine Secrest revealing she has a boyfriend, and Airris Williams getting called out during the Season 16 episode that aired Wednesday night on Lifetime.
TAGS: Gil Cuero  Shaquille Dillon  Kirsten Grimes  Domynique Kloss  Nicole Lilienthal  Gina Micheletti  Jasmine Secrest  Chris Thielk  Clint Webb  Airris Williams  Zendaya  Kevin Frazier  Serena Williams 

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