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Michelle Chase and Gillian Larson get voted off 'Survivor: Gabon'

Michelle Chase's poor attitude and inability to bond with her teammates and Gillian Larson's age proved to be their downfalls, as the 24-year-old Los Angeles, CA music production assistant and the 61-year-old nurse from Temecula, CA became the first two castaways voted off Survivor: Gabon during last night's back-to-back broadcast of the show's first two episodes. 
TAGS: Survivor  Randy Bailey  Jacque Berg  Michelle Chase  Crystal Cox  Kelly Czarnecki  Ace Gordon  Charlie Herschel  Ken Hoang  Corinne Kaplan  Dan Kay  Gillian Larson  Marcus Lehman  Jeff Probst  Susie Smith  Paloma Soto-Castillo  Matty Whitmore 

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