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S3's Kim Powers In Negotiations With Playboy

01/06/2002 is reporting that it looks like 'Survivor: Africa' castoff Kim Powers will follow in vixen Jerri Manthey's footsteps as a Playboy cover girl.

A rep for the men's mag confirms Powers is now "negotiating" to bare all for a pictorial layout.

"Oh, I would definitely consider doing it," the petite (and currently unemployed) Pennsylvania marketing exec told TV Guide Online. "I don't think [my family] would be jumping for joy if I said, 'Guess what? I want to pose for Playboy!' But I think it's usually tasteful — not that I read it. Ultimately, it's my decision on whether or not I'd want to do something like that."


TAGS: Survivor  Jerri Manthey 

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