Survivor 'Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers' premiere date announced by CBS 06/02/2017 Survivor's premiere date for its Fall 2017 season dubbed Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers has been revealed. Read More RELATED NEWS Exclusive: Ben Driebergen talks 'Survivor' idols, advantages and twists -- "Everything is fair" in the game!Exclusive: Mike Zahalsky talks 'Survivor' -- Why I voted for Chrissy Hofbeck and thought I could win the gameExclusive: Devon Pinto talks 'Survivor' -- I saw my faceoff with Ben Driebergen as an epic opportunity! TAGS: Survivor John Cochran Brad Culpepper Sarah Lacina Jeff Probst Troy 'Troyzan' Robertson David Wright