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The Amazing Race

'The Amazing Race' Season 31 premiere bumped up to April 17, 11 reality-star teams officially announced by CBS

The Amazing Race premiere for Season 31 has been bumped up sooner, and the lineup of teams who will be trekking around the world have officially been announced!
TAGS: The Amazing Race  Big Brother  Survivor  Survivor: Pearl Islands  Survivor: Gabon  Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains  Survivor: Caramoan -- Fans vs. Favorites  Survivor: Blood vs. Water  Victor Arroyo  Laura Boneham  Rupert Boneham  J.J. Carrell  Nicole Franzel  Colin Guinn  Chris Hammons  Britney Haynes  Corinne Kaplan  Phil Keoghan  Bret LaBelle  Eliza Orlins  Janelle Pierzina  Rachel Reilly  Elissa Slater  Leo Temory  Art Velez  Christie Woods  Jamal Zadran  LeBron James 

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