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The Bachelor

'The Bachelor' spoilers: Which bachelorette receives Arie Luyendyk Jr.'s special First Impression Rose?

The Bachelor's Season 22 premiere starring Arie Luyendyk Jr. is still several weeks away, but for fans who can't wait until then, here's a juicy detail about which bachelorette hit it off with Arie the best on Night 1.
TAGS: The Bachelor  Bri Amaranthus, Valerie Biles  Tia Booth  Lauren Burnham  Jessica Carroll  Jenna Cooper  Maquel Cooper  Jenny Delaney, Seinne Fleming  Olivia Goethals  Lauren Griffin  Ali Harrington  Lauren Jarreau  Britt Johnson, Bibiana Julian  Rebecca 'Becca' Kufrin  Kendall Long  Ashley Luebke  Caroline Lunny  Arie Luyendyk Jr.  Bekah Martinez  Marikh Mathias  Krystal Nielson  Nysha Norris, Annaliese Puccini  Chelsea Roy  Lauren Schleyer  Brittany Taylor  Jacqueline Trumbull  Amber Wilkerson  The Bachelor 

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