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The Bachelor

'The Bachelor' star Colton Underwood's 30 bachelorettes officially announced by ABC!

The Bachelor bachelorettes who will be appearing on Colton Underwood's upcoming 23rd season of the reality dating show have formally been announced.
TAGS: The Bachelor  Tayshia Adams  Catherine Agro  Adrianne 'Jane' Aver  Brianna 'Bri' Barnes  Nina Bartula  Alex Blumberg  Hannah Brown  Demi Burnett  Revian Chang  Caitlin Clemmens  Courtney Curtis  Elyse Dehlbom  Alex Dillon  Onyeka Ehie  Hannah Godwin  Devin Gooden  Chris Harrison  Tahzjuan Hawkins  Erin Landry  Nicole Lopez-Alvar  Sydney Lotuaco  Heather Martin  Erika McNutt  Caelynn Miller-Keyes  Katie Morton  Laura Pellerito  Cassie Randolph  Annie Reardon  Tracy Shapoff  Angelique Sherman  Kirpa Sudick  Colton Underwood  The Bachelor  Cinderella  Never Been Kissed  Wild 

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