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The Bachelor

'The Bachelor' star Nick Viall's bachelorettes announced by ABC - SEE THE PHOTOS!

The Bachelor star Nick Viall's 30 bachelorettes competing on Season 21 have been revealed by ABC.
TAGS: The Bachelor  Dominique Alexis  Angela Amezcua  Jasmine Brown  Olivia Burnette  Ida Marie DeLosSantos  Brittany Farrar  Whitney Fransway  Raven Gates  Jasmine Goode  Vanessa Grimaldi  Briana Guertler  Ben Higgins  Lauren Hussey  Jaimi King  Rachel Lindsay  Astrid Loch  Danielle 'Lo' Lombard  Sean Lowe  Danielle Maltby  Lacey Mark  Hailey Merkt  Susannah Milan  Taylor Nolan  Corinne Olympios  Michelle Ramkissoon  Elizabeth 'Liz' Sandoz  Kristina Schulman  Chris Soules  Josephine Tutman  Sarah Vendal  Nick Viall  Alexis Waters  Elizabeth Whitelaw  Christen Whitney  The Bachelor 

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